Find the affected squib and unplug it. If it's the driver's squib, take it off from the clockspring. If it's in the seat, unplug it from the connector under the seat. If it's a seatbelt, pull off the pillar trim and unplug the seatbelt, etc. etc. Clear the code with the squib unplugged.
If the code now says open instead of short, congratulations, the problem was in the airbag squib itself. Write it up for an airbag squib/airbag.
You know it's the airbag because originally the circuit was shorted. By unplugging the squib, you opened the circuit. The shorted squib has been removed from the circuit by unplugging it. Since the short is gone and the component is unplugged, the system reads it as open.
If you really want to prove this point, plug the airbag back in. If the airbag is shorted, the short is now part of the circuit again. The open code will go into history status and the short code will become current.
If the code still says short, unplug the next connector in the circuit. Your short will be in whatever section of the wiring harness that is disconnected from the airbag when the code status changes to open.
For example, if the short is still in the driver's airbag, unplug the clockspring. If it changes to open once the clockspring is unplugged but was short with the clockspring plugged in and the airbag disconnected, write it up for a clockspring.
It's still possible (but not very probable) that you have shorts in both the airbag AND clockspring, but you can say for sure that when you removed the clockspring from the circuit, you removed the short from the circuit, and since short was the original code, you know you've removed a problem component.